Welcome to Internet Riches

Welcome to my blog and my wealth-building journey. I have started this blog for everyone to see the steps I have take to build an online fortune, and to interact with me and each other. The goal is earn $100 000 a year from internet marketing, half of which is residual. I plan to reach this goal in one years time. As I move towards internet riches the only money to be put into the project is that which the online business has generated, no loans, or out of pocket funds.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cheapest Quickest way to make money online

On line profits Quick and Easy

This blog is all about making money on line the quickest and easiest way. This may be the quickest, cheapest, and easiest way to get online and make some money. Depending on your contact list you could make money in less then an hour.

If you are starting from scratch? Affiliate marketing may be the best way to start making money on line. If you are looking to make a lot of money online and do it without spending any money, I think an Affiliate program is the way to go. The benefits to affiliate marketing are long and the drawbacks are few.

check out this great affiliate, they provide lots and lots of training.

Benefits of selling affiliate products
  • Can start to make money in hours
  • Do not need to have a web site
  • No need for a copywriter
  • Learn form them
  • Sell virtually anything

for more information take a look at here
Easiest way to online wealth

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back from Vacation

I took a little time off to recharge and refresh. I am back now an looking to build this online business.

I was in Miami and it was great, first time down that way. Lots to see and do. The weather is great. I think that would be an ideal lifestyle. Wake up at 6am eat, work from home for a few hours, workout for an hour, then work for a few more hours at the computer then hit the beach for the rest of the day.

That is the type of lifestyle I want to live. Work hard for a few hours then let my hard work work hard for me while I enjoy what life has to offer.

No matter how much you love your job I think it is a shame to spen all you life working. There is so much more to see and do than work. I would hate to have this pass me or you by.

A good question to ask yourself is: what would you see and do if you did not have to work for money and if money was not a problem?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Free stuff and Today's Road to riches

Life is all about balance.

At least I think so.

So does hormone expert Dr. Holly Lucille.

Holly's idea of balance goes beyond day-planners and schedules. She talks about "internal" balance: Balance between your natural hormones to help create energy, lower bodyfat, and jacking up your sex.drive.

Good stuff.

I wanted to give you this today. It's an excerpt from Dr. Lucille's fantastic book, "Creating and Maintaing Balance."

Pick it up here free:
excerpt "Creating and Maintaing Balance."

I did not get much done today. Well I maybe not. I did learn lots about placing an add on craigslist, and lots about SEO. I posted an ad today, just now I will let you know how it does. I usually get about 8 hits a day off craigslist. There are so many variables to the posts such as category, time of day, number of other posts, etc... all these factors will make it difficult to rate the success of the new posting format. I to track my clicks so i will know what ad was selected and what action they took from there.

I also spen alot of time reading up on SEO. I think I have an idea of how it works. I am going to have to find a great affiliate product and create a site for it to see how wel I the site gets indexed. I guess I could just use this site too, thingh I will have to think of how I want it searched.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

business, marketing, Sliced bread and success

Great marketing clip by Seth Godin. Learn how to be a success from Sliced bread and other marketing delights.

"Seth Godin may be the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information Age," Mary Kuntz wrote in Business Week nearly a decade ago. "Instead of widgets or car parts, he specializes in ideas -- usually, but not always, his own." In fact, he's as focused on spreading ideas as he is on the ideas themselves.

On the road to internet Success - day 3 and 4

I am putting the weekend road to online wealth steps into one post. So this will include today and Saturday.

Today I started a word press blog. Check it out http://internetroadtowealth.wordpress.com Not sure if this wi
ll create more work than traffic but I guess time will tell. I will see what blog gets the most traffic and make notes and links to get them to work together. I created 2 sites to see which did better and to have separate blogs and sites that can link to each other. One of the keys to online visitors and thus success is traffic which often come from search engines. One way to rank high on Google is to have lots of relevant links to your site. How I am going to do that is link my posts and blogs together whenever I have the opportunity. I will also add my link to other sites like Twitter and the other social media accounts I will open. The more I can get my site out there the better.

The other day I did a post about the 7 habits of highly effective people and how it relates to creating wealth. Over the next few days I will have to take that advise and put it to use.
First thing I will need to do is get the end in sight. What do I want out of this? I know it is an experiment and I hope to be a resource for others looking to make more money or and an extra stream of income to their life. I have to decide how much money do I want to make form this venture? Where do I want it to take me? Lots to think about.

I think the biggest thing I need to do is plan each day. Make a list of things that will help me make money. On that list start with the most difficult task, or the task that I do not want to do. I find that I waste lots of time. I watch a video, they mention a good idea so I pause the video, look up the idea and open up 20 different web pages. Meanwhile I have not seen the rest of the video and am off onto something totally different. I can go in circles lie this all day long, bad habit that I have to break. So I have to get myself a notebook, and jot down my to do list for the next day. I think this will keep me on track and get focused for the next day.
Well that about covers it for today. Leave me and others a comment, would love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and online wealth building

For online wealth and success use

the Seven Habits

of Highly Effective People

If you are looking to make money online I suggest taking a look at the traits of Highly Effective People. These tips come from Stephen Covey and his Self Improvement book, titled the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This book has been a great success helping countless people and selling over 10 million copies worldwide.

Below are the 7 proven principles for success that Covey lays out. These guidelines are set to help you achieve a successful professional and personal life.
  1. Be proctive
  2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Do first things first, start with the important stuff
  4. Think win win
  5. Seek first to understand then to be understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the saw

I am sure that you want to be a huge success online and within your personal life too so I have provide you with a little more detail to help guide you to riches.

  • Be Proactive
This is straight forward, take
 initiative. Search out new information like this and put it to use in your internet marketing ventures and build a successful business.
  • Begin with the End in Mind
Begin every project with the end result already identified, make and set goals for yourself and your online business. Know where you want to go along with how much money you want and what your business model looks like.

  • Do first things first
focus on your most important priorities, your top priorities. Not
 necessarily urgent, but organizing and implementing activities in line with the goals that you have established. Checking your email, or twitter account might seem urgent, but it can wait. Focus on your top priorities.

  • Think Win Win 
Always strive for this situation. If you sel a product or service make sure that they leave happy and better off then whe that had mad the purchase or joint venture. Two wins make everyone better off. A win/lose relationship creates a victor and leaves someone injured. Think Win Win.

  • Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. A mainstay of successful leadership and business is developing a strong communication skills. To develop win/win relationships, find out what others want, why, and what winning means to them.

  • Synergize
You must have heard 1+1=3. That is the objective of working together. The buzzword to describe this kind of relationship is “synergy,” which means bringing together a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Through mutual trust and understanding, one often can solve conflicts and find a better solution than would have been obtained through either person’s own solution.

  • Sharpen the Saw
There’s an old story about a man sawing a log. The work is going slowly and the man is exhausted. The more he saws, the less he cuts. A passerby watches for a while and suggests that the man take a break to sharpen the saw. But the man says he can’t stop to sharpen
the saw because he is too busy sawing! A dull saw makes the work tiresome, tedious and unproductive. The key to a successful personal and professional life is through continuous improvement.

Take these 7 principles and apply them and see how your online business grows. I Have to start at number one and make a goal. I will get back to you with my goals and objectives. Love to hear yours too.

You can see a video of this over at online wealth building

Internet Success Wealth building book list - 1 of 10

Books to help Build online Wealth – Top 10 List

This is the number 1 Internet success wealth building book on my top 10 list of must read books for financial and business success off and online. 

As part of my wealth building experience education has to be the foundation, followed by action. I think these two components will ensure anyone’s success. Part of the education comes from books so I have decided to put together a list of the top 10 books that will help you reach your financial goals, and build tremendous wealth online.

The first book I recommend is Think and Grow Rich. This book is old but still worth reading. There is a new version that is said to have been updated to be more applicable for today’s economy and technology. I have not read the update version so I cannot comment on it, though I do think I will take a look at it.  

N. Hill created a success encyclopedia by documenting the beliefs and behaviors all the great men and women of his time share in common.


As part of my business plan I am not spending any money that I do not have. If you follow this model you have a few options:

  • Hurry up and sell something so you can go buy it
  • Go to the library and borrow theirs
  • Go to the bock store pick it up, grab a coffee and read it there

For those of you who do not like to read or have the time to sit down you can also get it on CD. I plan on doing this down the road. Riding in the car is a great time to listen to all these products. I do fin that I do not get near as much out if it when I am listening to it in the car but I still feel it is a better use of my time than listening to trash on the radio and much safer than talking on the phone while I drive.

Pleas leave a comment as to what books you think would help others in their quest for internet riches and wealth

Online intenet business success building methods and tactics

Thursday, March 19, 2009

On the road to internet Success - day 2

Today I am still in the building phase of my internet wealth building plan.

I have set up a blog now I have to start adding content, links and get some traffic to the site.

As you can see I went with blogger. This will change as I start to make money online and pay for hosting. Part of my plan is to start from scratch and not but any of my own money into it, mainly because I do not have any. I know this will take a little longer but I do want to see how long it takes to build an on-line business from scratch with empty pockets.

I think a hosted site and a domain name will be the first thing I do when a check comes in. The second thing I will buy is a system to collect names and address. Maybe this should be my first purchase as they say a list is so very important.

Today I:
  • Added twitter feed, added twitter to my blog
  • Added a traffic counter to the blog, the stats are open for everyone to see as I want you to be able to follow my success
  • Created a feeburner feed
  • went to open up a business but I could only go so far because of the fees involved
I also did some reading I find Pro Blogger an excellent resource. It is written by a guy who has made a successful online business from blogging, lots to learn there.

Today I will do more work on the blog to make it a little more informative. Then I will have to do some research to see what tomorrow should focus on.

Good luck to building your own internet wealth system.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rags to Riches Day 1

Day 1 on my way to internet marketing success

Today is the first day of my rags to riches story. I am tired of not having the time or money to do as I like. I have heard of so many other making money on line and living the life I would like to. So I said I will do my best to earn an extra stream of income from my online efforts.

Today is the beginning of my journey to internet marketing success. I am off to a slow start as I only did a few things today to get ready for the riches that lie ahead. Maybe that is a bad sign, you often hear of people that take off like a race horse as they begin, but I want this, so I do believe that I will be successful.

Here is a list of what I did today:

  • Signed up on twitter – you can follow me there too, RoadToWealth

  • Started a blog - Internet riches, this is it that you are reading now
  • Opened up an e-mail account - internetroadtowealthATgmail.com feel free to contact me there
  • I also signed up for an affiliate account at http://www.thesecondtier.com
    You can get a free DVD form them if you follow my first Affiliate Link: http://atltrainer.TheSecondTier.com/freedvd
  • I watched a few how-to videos on the site

I think that was about it for my first day. I would say that it took about 2 hours, was not all that fun but I think it is stuff that needed to be done to start out.

Next I plan on working on my blog here, adding content and links, set up a feed, add a statcounter, find some fours to join and see how fast I can get my first Affiliate sale.

I will talk to you again soon as things happen